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IPAF meetings at Vertikal Days

The International Powered Access Federation is organising a number of meetings for rental companies at Vertikal Days at Haydock Park on June 25th.

The most significant meeting is an open meeting for all IPAF Hire Members at 15:30 on Wednesday June 25th in the Leverhulme suite.

The meeting will be chaired by Austin Baker of AFI-Uplift, subjects already on the agenda include Greening the access industry; Reaching out to architects; Involving young people; Promoting improved safety and What can IPAF do for you?

The agenda is still open for additional agenda items, so if you have a subject please forward to Jean Harrison at IPAF. [email protected]
Also in order to ensure that the room is prepared to cater for the number of attendees please confirm your attendance via the same email. All those attending the meeting will receive a free ticket to the evening event, which includes dinner.
