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Beam drops on boom

A man has died after a crane tipped over and dropped the concrete beam it was lifting onto a self propelled boom lift in Woolloongabba, Australia.

The lift was in an almost fully stowed position under the beam which was being placed into an overpass on the Eastern Busway project. It is assumed that the men were about to guide and fix the beam in place, when it fell.

The beam caught the man, aged 20, by his legs partially amputating one and trapping him. Rescuers managed to free him by using airbags to jack the beam off of his legs and a rescue crane from Boom Logistics. He was rushed to hospital and died shortly afterwards, having lost both legs.
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The accident scene after the rescue the green Boom Logistics crane is part of the rescue team

According to local reports the man was apparently in the telescopic boom lift, owned by Coates Hire, with two others who managed to escape with minor scrapes and bruising.

Workplace Health and Safety investigators are now on site investigating the accident.
