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Grove launches 300 tonner with 80m boom

A new six axle 300 tonne Grove All Terrain crane, the GMK6300L, featuring a seven section 80 metre main boom will be the one of the star exhibits on the Manitowoc Crane Group stand at Bauma this April.

Maximum counterweight is 92.5 tonnes with numerous configurations down to 7 tonnes. Lifting capacity with full boom and counterweight is 12 tonnes at 12 metres radius and two tonnes at 74 metres radius.
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The Grove GMK6300L

A bi-fold swingaway adds 29 metres of height for 112 metre maximum tip height, offset is up to 40 degrees and capacity on the full extended swingaway with boom fully extended is 3.3 tonnes.

The Manitowoc stand may well also have a few last minute surprise products on display watch for more news on this and the rest of the company’s display closer to the show.
