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Bronto Artic Challenge update

It is day eight and the Bronto Artic Challenge team is heading home in a total white-out, having failed in its assault of Sokosti. As the six settled down for their last night in an open shelter the celebrated David Walley’s birthday with fried muesli.
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Ian James up to his waist in it

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Total white-out

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The Bronto team prepares for its last night in an open shelter

This could well be your last chance to show your support for six hardy individuals, Ian James and David Walley from Bronto UK, Christoph Pichler and Alexandra Dieterich from Bronto's Italian distributor-Gbr-Pichler and Merja Viilola and Jan Denks of Bronto Finland, as they combine a very tough challenge with raising money for a very good cause, the Alzheimer's Society. In order to learn more about the charity and put up some sponsorship money Click here to go direct to the Bronto challenge donation area

The Bronto Challenge

The challenge is to endure an eight day 100km self-supported snow shoe trek 300km north of the polar circle ascending Sokosti, at 718 metres, the highest peak in the UKK National park.

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