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Loadwise business sold

Load Instrumentation, producers of Loadwise load moment indicators, has been taken over by the Hawkley Group, producers of a wide range of vehicle weighing systems.

Loadwise designs and manufactures load moment indictors, sensors, reeling drums and dynamometers and other ancillary instruments and accessories for the lifting industry.

The Hawkley Group, based in Bordon Hampshire, makes weighbridges and portable truck scales as well as the Timotex range of forklift weighing systems..

Hawkley said that the incorporation of Loadwise complimented its existing businesses and adds to the portfolio of niche weighing and monitoring products.

As part of the restructuring that will follow the acquisition, Load Instrumentation will become Loadwise International Limited. An operation is being established in Quebec, Canada to service the Americas for Loadwise as well as Hawkley International vehicle weighing systems and the Timotex range of fork lift truck weighing systems.

Load Instrumentation was founded in 1985 when the four owners, all of whom are now in their 60s broke away from overload indicator producer, Wylie. Two of the owners, Ralph Bodilly and Ian Stimpson have already sold their 50% stake and taken retirement, but will remain as consultants to the business. The other two owners, Graham Briscoe and Len Allen have agreed to sell their 50% to Hawkley following a one-year transitional period.
