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The long road to Bauma

While most international visitors will fly into Munich for Bauma, some are taking the scenic route. Over the next day or two we will highlight some of those we know about. We kick-off with Tim Richards of Al Laith Scaffolding in Dubai.
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Camping at the Dead Sea

He is travelling the 8,000 plus kilometres via bike, motorbike that is, along with a group of friends from the region. Sadly he has not passed on the names of his travelling companions!
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Lakeside in Turkey

The group will cross 15 countries stopping off at the Dead Sea, Amman and Petra in Jordan, then on to Damascus and Aleppo in Syria, into Turkey and a stop at the Troglodyte Caves up to the sulpha pans past Gallipoli and into Greece, then on to Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro and Croatia.
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The group beds down in a truck stop en route

At this stage, when we received our last report, the group had covered 5,000 kilometres, collected two speeding tickets and had to make one tyre change. Otherwise the KTM bikes have performed impeccably. From Croatia the route took them through Bosnia, across Slovenia, into Austria and on to Germany.
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The group reaches Dubrovnik - Croatia

After Bauma Richards plans to drive through German, Belgium, and France to reach the UK.

The trip is unsupported with the group eating the local foods as they find it, staying in budget hotels or camping.

And why are they doing it? Just for the ‘craic’!

If you are travelling to Bauma in a slightly unusual manner send us the details and a photo or two and perhaps we will have a small prize for the most unusual?


Holger Johan
I am sure that my old friend Tim needs a few pints of good German beer when he will arrive at Bauma. Look forward to see him. Hope he had a shower before.
Holger Johan

Apr 16, 2010