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Rowe on the move?

In the past 10 days we have had several calls regarding UK crane man Lee Rowe who has traded for several years under various trading names, including Primeserve/PSS/P.S.S/Proffessional Specialist Services/Brand 1/ Brand 1 Solutions and an even greater number of companies.

It seems that his latest incarnation Brand 1 Solutions has been struggling lately, having been subject to at least one winding up order and numerous unpaid debts.

One call from a landlord last week said that his building and the company’s Salford premises had been emptied and that he was unable to find or make contact with Mr Rowe.

Several callers have claimed that Rowe is heading for Canada, possibly having finally exhausted any credit from UK suppliers? A letter in this morning claims that the Brand 1 telephone numbers are being used by a new incarnation that is trading under the name of Contract Lifting, however we were unable to confirm this. The telephone number does divert to a choice of facilities or contract lifting, however no such company exists in Rowe or his brother’s name.

If you are reading this from Canada and a man with the name Lee Rowe suddenly turns up in the crane business – beware – you may want to double check his credentials or demand cash in advance and keep it like that?

Anyone commenting on this story please keep it professional and take note of our guidelines.
Click here for New name for the Rowes
Click here for The Rowes are at it again


Latest update - he is now working for Sarens Crane in Ayr, Ontario

Aug 27, 2019

Hello everyone yes Lee Rowe is in Canada for Sterling Crane branch 730 Ontario there is definitely something up with this guy he is being looked into right now if anybody knows anything more about him please feel free to say because I HAVE NO CARE IN THE WORLD ABOUT HIM RIGHT NOW THANKS!

Aug 14, 2014

Why does it never take long for decent people to discover EXACTLY how the likes of Lee Rowe and Co. operate? In my opinion more should be done to stop these parasites from bleeding the rest of us dry! It should be made easier to know more about their background, so we would all have the savoir-faire to know what exactly “20 years worth of experience” entails and if that’s the kind of people we want to do business with. All I can say is thank you Virtikal for keeping us informed. I dare say if the rumours are true, you merit gaining a large following of Canadian readers!

May 2, 2012

steve t
I used to know Lee Rowe quite well. At first, it is easy to be impressed with his business success and his wealth. He is very good at talking the talk and big-ing himself up. But then when you dig a bit deeper (talking to others than know him and info on this website) it then becomes clear that all is not what it seems. It isnt in fact HIS cash that he flashes, but everyone elses. He is not a good businessman. He is just a wheeler and dealer type who cannot be trusted. The del boy of the crane world. A leopard wont change its spots. Pity help the Canadians.

May 2, 2012

Good riddance!!

May 2, 2012

If I was a betting man, I would put money on the fact that Rowe reads this website.

I would also put money on him not having the balls to put a comment on here to set the records the straight.

Lets face it, how he behaves is indefensible. He clearly doesnt have a conscience with regards how his actions and greed affect so many businesses and peoples lives.

May 1, 2012

So young Mister Rowe thinks that he can again walk away from his responsibilities.
The problem is, the companies in this country have for years subsidised this creeps luxurious lifestyle, which has been well reported over a number of years by this excellent site.
This man was well known in the late nineties as somebody who couldn't be trusted, as proven time and time again.
For all the companies that are, or will, be bemoaning how they have suffered by this mans possibly corrupt actions, I will say this.-
Fool me once, more fool you.
Fool me twice, more fool me.
You all knew what you were all letting yourselves in for, so don't start crying now it's too late.

I would personally love to see the regulations in this country change, so that Mr Rowe, and people of his ilk, can't get away with bumping a company on the Friday and then start up on the Monday, same address, phone number, equipment and staff.
Liquidators should not be allowed to cut deals with these companies! Assets should be put up for general sale, so that the debts can be cleared more effectively, therefore, reducing the losses that the companies that have been taken in incurr.
And talking of staff, don't they share some of the responsibility as to what has happened?
I can't believe that these people didn't have a clue as to what was going on

Apr 30, 2012

It was only a matter of time

Apr 30, 2012

Tammy England
Well, good luck to ..... Canada if that is indeed where this idiot has finally gone. I feel incredibly fortunate to have dealt with him in the relatively early days, where we were successful in getting some of our money out of him (all be it he did threaten to have a fight in the car park with various members of our company, rolling his hips with his hands in his pockets and puffing his chest out in what he thinks is an aggressive manner) – yes that is right, it’s not that he does not have any money just that he is not good at sharing it!. I feel for anyone that this idiot has affected, unfortunately he does not have a conscience and is most likely sipping a stolen Bellini by the pool paid for by someone else. Watch your back in Canada he may well be on his way!!!!!!!

Apr 30, 2012