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When a platform becomes a crane

Spotted in Northern Ireland an electrical contractor using a self-propelled boom lift as a crane, to install a golf ball light on the sea front.

While this is not the correct use of a work platform – although an increasing number of platforms do offer a hook attachment option - to be fair there are no men in the platform of the UpRight AB46 which is doing service as a crane, and the load is almost certainly well within the machine’s 227kg platform capacity.

In addition that that, the two men fixing the ball in place are using the other work platform - a trailer lift - correctly. It even looks as though they are using decent outrigger mats.
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The AB46 in action as a crane

So is this a Death Wish? In this instance we think probably not – although it does clearly constitute using the machine for a purpose for which it was not intended. And next time the load might be a good deal heavier causing undue stress on the structure?. And given the age of this machine, there is a chance that it is not equipped with an overload system?

Better and cheaper to have used a material lift - Have a safe weekend


There does seem to be a double standard

Dec 7, 2015

Yet another case of it being acceptable for an access platform to be a crane, but a crane not being able to be an access platform.(Cranes + manbaskets only to be used when there is no platform high enough or accessable enough to reach)

Dec 7, 2015