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New Pop Up tower

UK based access equipment supplier Pop Up Products has launched a new alloy access tower the Z'Tower

The new tower is based on a telescopic modular system and can be built to a maxium working height of 3.8 metres. The company said that person can erect the new tower single handed in around two minutes.
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The tower - which folds down to 690mm x 950mm x 1.57 metres - weighs 56kg and is designed to fit into small vans or estate cars and pass through standard domestic doorways without being dissmantled. The modular system uses sliding ladders to achieve seven platform heights from 300mm to 1.8 metres, it has a platform capacity of 200kg.
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The Z'Tower folded

Ben Sly of Pop Up said: “Our customers wanted something that was quick and easy to use but also versatile and conformed to the latest safety standards. We think our engineers have ticked all the boxes with the innovative single piece design of the Z’Tower.”

Based in Flint, north Wales, the company was established in 1973 as NSG to produce alloy scaffold towers, in 2004 it moved tower production to Hungary, and in 2006 it launched the Pop Up the first mass market, practical push around lift. In 2012 it became the UK dealer for Altrex towers, ladders and suspended platforms, more recently it has signed long term pertnerships with the Dutch manufacturer. It also distributes AxoLift low level platforms.
