Grupo Modesto of the Dominican Republic has taken two new Liebherr cranes - a 150t LTM 1150-5.3 and a 230t LTM 1230-5.1
UK based Sangwin Plant Hire has taken delivery of a 230t Liebherr LTM 1230-5.1 All Terrain crane
Bahrain based Haji Hassan Cranes has taken delivery of three new Liebherr All Terrains
UK based Crowland Cranes has taken delivery of a 90t Liebherr LTM 1090-4.2 All Terrain, the first of four new cranes
Finnish crane rental company E. Helaakoski has taken delivery of an 800t Liebherr LTM 1750-9.1 All Terrain
Polish rental company Pazoła has taken delivery of a 300t LTM 1300-6.3 All Terrain
German rental company Wilhelm Bruns has taken two Grove All Terrains - a 100t GMK4100L-2 and 250t GMK5250XL-1
UK rental company King Lifting has taken delivery of its second 700t Liebherr All Terrain crane
Italian crane rental company Vernazza Autogrù has taken delivery of a new Sany SAC600E All Terrain crane
German rental company Kranlogistik Sachsen has taken delivery of two Grove All Terrain cranes, a 60 tonne GMK3060L-1 and an 80 tonne GMK4080L
German crane rental company Maximum has taken delivery of a 150 tonne Grove GMK5150L-1 All Terrain crane
German crane rental company Josef Pohl has taken delivery of an 80 tonne Grove GMK4080L All Terrain crane
Manitowoc/Grove will launch two new hybrid All Terrain cranes at Bauma in April
German crane rental company MSG Krandienst has taken a 250t Grove GMK5250XL-1 All Terrain - its sixth 250 tonner and 46th Grove crane since 2003
Scottish crane rental company Sarens PSG has taken delivery of a 250t Liebherr LTM 1250-5.1 All Terrain
UK based Flegg Projects is to team up with Forklift Exchange' to sell US built heavy lift extending fork trucks in Europe
Brazilian crane rental company WWN Guindastes has taken delivery of a 500t Liebherr LTM 1500-8.1 All Terrain
UK crane rental company Dewsbury & Proud has taken delivery of the third Grove crane, in a three unit order
UK rental company DLH Lifting Services has taken delivery of a 230t Liebherr LTM 1230-5.1 All Terrain
Italian manufacturer Marchetti will launch a new 15t fully electric All Terrain city type crane - the Trio 0E - at Bauma
German rental company Krandienst Schulz has taken delivery of 450t Liebherr LTM 1450-8.1 All Terrain and moved into new headquarters
Tadano will launch a long boomed version of its five axle 250t AC 5.250-2 at Bauma
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Angolan construction company Casais has taken delivery of a 50t Liebherr LTM 1050-3.1 All Terrain crane
Chinese manufacturer XCMG will introduce new All Terrain cranes to the UK market this year